Facts and Background

August 25, 2023

McKinnon Pit ERO Registry Link:

If you have comments for the Environmental Registry (ERO) regarding the McKinnon Pit Application, the comment period closes August 29. 


more information

Big Turnout for First Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who attended and helped out at the fantastic turkey dinner and live music on Saturday, July 29th at the McDonald’s Corners Agricultural Hall. 

The food was delicious and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the music by Pat Clarke and band. A big thank you to the band for donating their incredible talent for the evening. 

Many thanks to the McDonalds Corners Agricultural Society for cooking such a tasty dinner and having the hall set up for everyone to enjoy eating, visiting and dancing. 

FLH would also like to thank the Highlands Country Store and Wheelers Pancake House for selling tickets. 

Thank you to all the community members  who bought tickets and provided donations. It was good times and good memories and raised $1,989 for Friends of Lanark Highlands.


Important Upcoming Dates and Events

August 21 - deadline for letters for the comment period for the McKinnon Pit licence amendments and expansion to the MNRF and Arnott Brothers. 

September 16- Reform Gravel Mining Coalition Caravan Tour stop -more information soon!

Sometime this Fall - fundraising concert at McDonalds Corners Agricultural hall.


The deadline for comments on the McKinnon Pit licence expansion and amendments is August 21 !

The McKinnon Pit was originally licenced on the Highland Line in 2010 and Arnott Brothers Construction Ltd. have owned and operated the pit since 2019.  Arnott’s are requesting to licence an additional 5.8 ha and are applying for below water extraction for the entire site.  They are asking for an increase to 250,000 tonnes per year from their current limit of 150,000 tonnes.  Arnott's are keeping their hours of operation at their current 6am to 6pm, with no operations on weekends or statutory holidays.  They are planning to maintain setbacks that will limit visibility of the pit from the Highland Line.  The site is adjacent to a 129 ha unevaluated wetland that includes a branch of the Long Sault Creek, with a proposed buffer that ranges from 30 to 45 metres.  There is no surface outlet to the wetlands, dewatering or a wash plant proposed for the site.

A main concern that community members have been raising is the below water extraction and any potential impacts on groundwater, wells and adjacent wetlands.  There is also concern this would set a precedent for below water extraction along the Highland Line.  Other concerns raised include such things as airborne dust and fine particles potentially affecting health, toxicity from underlying uranium and possible impacts to species at risk.

Learn more about the proposal at milestoneaggregate.com

Letters must be sent to:

Gary McLaren, Milestone Aggregate Consulting Services

email: gmclaren@milestoneaggregate.com

and cc’d to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

email: ARAapprovals@ontario.ca  

more on this story
